We have a SLEW of new shiurim on various topics. A sample:
Bishul in a kli in which a sefek treifah had been cooked [Hebrew].
Haanaka and Kinyan E-tain - Part 1.
Part 2.
Two types of Breira.
Migo bi-makom Trei U'trei.
Vayikra - The Path To Greatness Through The Stomach.
Chazara toch kedai dibbur in Kiddushei pachos Mishaveh Pruta part 1.
Part 2.
And much much more [including many shiurim from previous years]!! See my page on YUTORAH.ORG.
Like YU - my Yeshiva too is suffering from great financial distress. I was almost moved to sell a few buildings as YU did, alas, I then realized ..... that I don't own any buildings. Should've bought a few when I had the chance [when did I have the chance?
So I thank the people who sent enough to get us through Pesach. It would be a BIG busha not to have matzos or wine at the seder after having written and spoken so much Pesach Torah. So THANK YOU - THANK YOU - THANK YOU and I bless you that Hashem will repay you a million fold in both the material and spiritual realms. After Pesach we will continue hoping and believing that the same Ribbono Shel Olam that led us faithfully until this point will continue to send holy shlichim.
If anyone does NOT want to donate to my project but wants to give other poor people in Eretz Yisrael - I have served as a gabbai tzedaka for over 20 years and know quite a few people in need. A tax deduction is available. EVERY PENNY goes to tzdaka. No overhead. [I don't chas vi-shalom take a cut]. If you don't want to use my services then please give SOMEWHERE, more than you can afford. וכל המוסיף מוסיפים לו. The Rambam paskens that simchas yom tov is only a simcha in the Divine realm when we give to the poor. But a 40 thousand dollar vacation in .... while other Jews of lesser means are left to suffer the indignity of lacking the basics is a cause of great distress in Shomayim [please see the Rambam 6/18]. Share your good fortune with others. בני ישראל קדושים and I am sure you will.
You may contact me by email or telephone [my number is on the Yeshiva's blog that I linked earlier].