One of their main spokesman. a Satmar renegade, wrote a 21 page "tshuva" permitting breastfeeding in shul, even when the breast is exposed for a short time, even in full view of the men.
I will say that for a Satmar guy he writes a very advanced, clear Modern Hebrew and I enjoyed the style. So "A" for style. [If he wrote it himself and didn't have someone else translate it from the English].
Substance? Well, to be honest, much of the article didn't deal with the core issue which is in itself an error. A posek has to know what the real problems are and not prove that something is permitted that has no bearing on the question at hand. Proving that one may show affection to a child in shul doesn't prove that it is permitted to reveal her breasts to men [שומו שמים, השם יצלנו].
Firstly, babies shouldn't be in shul in the first place because they disturb everybody's kavvana [Mishna Brura 96/3]. That is why Jews became rich - so they can afford nannies and mommy can go to shul [and to Florida].
Second, it is absolutely positively forbidden to daven in the presence of any woman whose body is uncovered [See Shulchan Aruch 75 with the Rema]. Moreover, it is even forbidden to look at an immodestly dressed woman [and a revealed breast is in that category according to ALL opinions] even for one moment and even not during the course of davening, kal va-chomer during davening [see Mishna Brura 75/7 and a million other sources].
What is especially shocking is that he signs off that he writes "humbly". He permitted something which has never been done in history, has no precedent, no rabbinic sanction, he neglected to show his article to the many people in the world who are his superior in Torah knowledge and psak [who would have shown him how poor and weak his logic is. אינה דומה מילת קטן לדדי אשה כפי שברור ומובן לכל בר דעת] but he is humble. Where is the "humility"? To top it off he writes that it is permitted "beyond a shadow of a doubt"
Against an open and clear psak of the Shulchan Aruch, the Rema and the Mishna Brura, zero precedent, but yet no doubt about it's permissibility.
I thought Purim was over....
לסיכום - בלבולי מוח בדרגה ראשונה.