Tuesday, May 14, 2019

The Bad "Habits" Of Nuns

Recently I read about a study of the chastity of nuns. It turns out that quite a large number are sleeping with priests or parishioners or ... each other. Many abortions are being performed on them and the church has recognized that this is a serious problem. It is already well known how common it is for priests to fall in this area - worst of all when they sexually abuse little boys. 

The word for marriage is "קידושין". Marriage is holy. Sex is holy. This is one of the many areas where we have serious theological differences with Christians. The commonly used phrase "Judeo-Christian Ethic" is misleading because it ignores the very significant differences Judaism has with Christianity.     
What our Christian brothers [as the psukim say many times, as in "לא תתעב אדומי כי אחיך הוא" or "אתם עוברים בגבול אחיך בני עשו"] don't realize is that not only is there attitude towards sex theologically misguided [we should know better - their religion is based on ours]  - it is also not healthy and doesn't work. 

BARUCH HASHEM we have been given the Torah - written and oral - that teaches us how to live holy, wholesome, balanced lives.