On this blog there are close to 12,700 posts. That means that the Baal Ha-blog should probably attend B.A. [Bloggers Anonymous] meetings.
"My name is Francine and I am a blogging addict. It all started when my mother bought me a computer when I was 34 years old. My wife er husband told me that I was blogging too much but I didn't listen..... Nobody actually reads my blogs so I am essentially writing in the hope that illegal aliens read what I write. That is why I believe in open borders so that more illegal aliens enter the country and read my blog and only support walls to create Succahs and reshus hayachid's......"
All seriousness aside - I wouldn't blog if I didn't enjoy it. I also hope that at least one other person reads it besides me - but it's not a תנאי המעכב. My readers like to keep a low profile and are too busy to provide feedback. That is totally cool. I am too busy to respond to feedback. [I can also feed myself, thank G-d]. The Torah is big so there is a LOT to learn - plus I have this HUUUUUGE high tech start up that I run that brings in about 200 million a year. "Lirot" that is. No currency that presently can buy a bottle of water but great stuff from the '70s. I couldn't run a hi tech start up because I know nothing about hi tech [although in high school some of my friends would get high but I never did and that's another story completely]. I am also completely and passionately not interested in learning about it. Those who do the hi tech thing - all the power to you!! But not for me.
I harbor dreams to one day publish books based on the blog as there is a wealth of material [ONLY BS"D that I can't even begin to describe] but I am not interested in spending the time nor do I have the money nor am I interested in begging people and then getting ten dollar donations from a select few and a little bit more from a few others and zilcho from everyone else. Not complaining [really - I HATE complaining - I LOVE hugging though😊😊] but "been there did that". I will die one day [I hope in the VERY distant future in a peaceful way surrounded by loved ones singing sweet songs of dveykus] and maybe then a relative or friend will perform a chesed for my neshama and edit and publish my writings. Or maybe not...
There it is. A "point"!
My point that all of the posts require time and effort. Some require exerted effort and deep concentration [so much so that I stop drinking beer for a few minutes.] And everybody receives the fruits of my labors and the thoughts, insights, explanations etc. that Hashem gave to me in His infinite kindness ABSOLUTELY FREE. Most people are paid for their time, efforts and talents. I am not [ostensibly because I have so little talent and my time isn't valuable to anybody].
So I am not asking for money. Nor am I asking for thank you's or anything else.
Just a general request to do something that I think is often lost on us: Look around, smell the coffee and appreciate how much so many people do on your behalf that you take for granted. Your parents, spouse, friends, the Rabbi and gabbai in shul, the teachers of your children [in 20 years of teaching I don't recall ever having received one phone call or email from a parent thanking me. Not one. Does it bother me? Honestly - no, because it is behind me and I live in the present and not the past. I also didn't teach Torah for the appreciation but because I believe in it and that was my job. But it DOES bother me a LOT that so many teachers - not me - invest so much in children and are often totally taken for granted. It reflects very poorly on otherwise great people], the people who clean the streets, the car mechanic, the computer technician who fixes your computer, the ladies in far away countries [and even in your home country] who make your clothing, the police and fire departments, the musicians who enhance smachot we attend etc. etc. etc. The list is ENDLESS. Yet, we often only notice what is wrong or missing and not the limitless services from which we benefit.
So here is a plea to my sweetest and most beloved friends to walk around with our hearts WIDE OPEN to absorb and appreciate everything people do for us.