Bi-sheim Rav Aharon Lichtenstein
A question I have asked myself ten million times - Does Torah U'madda work? Meaning, does the Torah work [on the same level as the "Torah only" group] and is the Madda really used as a means for greater closeness to HKB"H and to enhance one's Avodas Hashem [and not just as a means to earning money which everybody agrees is a worthwhile pursuit]?
The answer I give myself is that OF COURSE Torah U'madda works - for singular individuals, such as Rav Solovietchik, Rav Lichtenstein, The Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rav Hutner and other yechedei s'gulah. For most others - either the Torah is not on par or the madda is not on par or more often - both. Therein lies the failure of the day school system in America [it also has mylos but that is not the topic of the post]. After twelve years most kids know next to nothing in Torah [this I say after knowing thousands of kids over the years] and little about other topics either. Not to mention the low level of commitment to halacha and shmiras ha-mesora. [Not to say that the "Torah only" camp is perfect - the faults are many and that is a good topic for a future post]
So it appears to me and so I try to educate my children and anyone else who will listen