Sunday, October 14, 2018

The Effects Of Crime - Ph.D

My-se: An old acquaintance of mine, a very, very, very, wealthy fellow is in jail [for his attempt to become yet more wealthy...:-)] and hadn't seen himself for 2 years [no mirrors in jail - sort of like a בית אבל only more depressing]. One day he was let out of jail for a short time for a certain reason and saw himself in the mirror. He didn't recognize himself. This once gorgeous, movie star looks man, had become irrecognizably aged and frail. 

Li-myse: Crime doesn't pay. It takes a tremendous toll not only on the criminal but on his family as well [not to mention the חילול השם involved]. If you want to be rich, work hard, daven hard and give a lot of tzdaka. Or marry a girl with a Ph"d [Pappa Has Dough]. But don't steal. Or evade taxes. It is MUCH BETTER to be poor and free than rich and incarcerated.