Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Mordechai Is Drinking - Should Esther Join Him?

Email question:

Is it a mitzva for women to get drunk on Purim?


NO! I am not sure that Chazal would be so pleased with the men getting drunk on Purim in our crazy day and age but women should certainly not. This is mentioned in numerous acharonim, among them the sefer Mekadesh Yisrael [סימן של"ד]. Some learn from the language of Chazal חייב איניש לבסומי - A man is obligated to drink. Not a compelling diyuk because many halachos are directed at men simply because it was the men who were learning Torah and not woman [until Seminaries and Stern College came around]. What is also interesting is that I was not able to locate any early source who even discusses this. But the conclusion and the custom in all Jewish communities of Yirei Hashem is that women don't drink and instead spend the day being amused at how crazy the men are acting [and clean up a lot, too..]

The Steipler is quoted as saying that woman should have A BIT of wine but many don't agree. If the men are drinking and the women are drinking then terrible things can happen - and they have in the past....