Sunday, July 10, 2016


A friend brought to my attention that we have reached 3 quarter of a million hits in the blog. [That is nearly 10 percent of the hits Muhammed Ali took to his brain until he decided to convert to the religion of love - Islam...]. That makes it the most popular blog in Givat Zeev. It is also the ONLY blog in Givat Zeev [of which I am aware] so I just blew the competition out of the water. 

So, I would like to thank my mother for registering at least half of those and everybody else who visits and learns and laughs with [or at] me. 

The same friend brought to my attention that we have close to 3000 shiurim on line. I can say that I am the only person alive to have heard all of them. [Although sometimes I barely listen to what I myself say]. I should probably find better people to listen to but this is what I have in the meantime...

I thank ALL of my beloved friends who are my partners in spreading Torah.  


And of course to Hashem who makes all this happen!