I don't work for anybody. When I did I was told what I was allowed and not allowed to say. Now, I can just say the truth. Plus, my name is "Ehrman" which means "honest man", so that gives me a added obligation to say the truth.
So here is the truth [as I see it]: Our culture on one hand turns women into sex objects. On the other hand. it encourages and pushes them to be men by adopting more male qualities. I am not saying that women shouldn't get advanced education, leave the home, work and be part of the cut throat, competitive male world. I am saying that they shouldn't be forced or even strongly pushed to do so. The more feminine side of women should also be cultivated, which it generally is not. Society blurs the differences between the genders to the point that many even deny that there are inborn differences.
Even the Torah world suffers from this. Women are turned for much of the day and much of their life into men. Many men become mini-women.
This is healthy for nobody.
Here is an article about a recent storm about a women's task in this world.