Tuesday, March 8, 2011


In Kelm there was a famous mussar yeshiva. The students were trained not to move a limb unnecessarily. When they walked down the street they wouldn't look from side to side because what's the point? It's thoughtless. When waiting for the train a Kelmer would never look to see if it's coming because that is just a nervous movement with no benefit.

One time some of the students of the great Mashgiach Rov Yerucham Levovitz ztz"l left seder early only to see the Mashgiach on the street walking in their direction. They were terrified. One of the veteran students told them "Just stand on the side next to this wall and he won't see us." Lo and behold it worked. He walked right by them and didn't notice.

This student understood that being a "Kelmer", Rov Yerucham doesn't look to the side while walking down the street.


About Avraham it says "Vayisa Einav Vayar" - He raised his eyes and saw [three men coming]. OF COURSE he had to have raised eyes to see them? Why is the passuk mentioning this??

Avraham thought twice before doing ANYTHING. Even something so simple as looking in a different direction.


If you don't understand this story I refer you to the beautiful five volumes of Rov Dov Katz "Tenuas Hamussar" and let your life be changed forever.

Love and blessings:)