Monday, August 12, 2013

Money Part 4: Your Money Or Your Life?

A Jew related that he used to live on the Upper West Side of Manhattan and walk to the East Side on Shabbos in order to visit patients in Mount Sinai Hospital. One time he met a patient who related that he was an extremely successful businessman who was the president of numerous companies.  For his whole adult life he had been consumed by his work. He couldn't even find the time to marry. Money-money-money-money. Busy man. One day during a routine examination the doctor discovered that he had cancer and gave him only weeks to live. His parents live in California and don't know about the terrible news. He was all of 42 years old.

The man said he would give away ALL OF HIS MONEY in order to live for just one more year. He felt such regret over all of the time he invested pursuing more and more wealth while neglecting what is really important. He wasn't so fortunate to live much longer....

The mussar haskel: Life is a much greater gift than wealth. Enjoy it and appreciate it while you have it:-).