Sunday, April 6, 2014

So Much To Learn From A Tiny Piece Of Bread

There is a custom many have not to eat the end of the challa so they cut off a tiny piece and eat the rest. No source has been found for this minhag [of which I am aware also after a computer search. See Shu"t Minchas Yitzchak 8/9].

Why do I follow the custom anyway? I don't understand why I am doing it and it may not even have a source?! The answer is two fold: 1] I received a psak from my Rebbi not to eat it. Period. We don't have to understand everything. We don't have to understand everything every tzadik says in order to believe it. We certainly don't have to understand everything Hashem does in order to believe in Him. I see this as one of the greatest obstructions to Avodas Hashem in our day - everything is subject to MY judgement. There is no Vilna Gaon or Chofetz Chaim or Rav Moshe Feinstein. There is just ME and the way I view things. This undermines and erodes the foundations of our faith for all times. The opinion of or an op-ed piece in the "Times Of Israel" is just a legitimate as that of the Holy Steipler ztz"l or of Rav Chaim Brisker ztz"l. Authority has been jettisoned and that means that Moshiach is all that much closer! One of the signs is chutzpah and rejection of authority... Not eating that little piece of challah [Baruch Hashem I have enough challah to feed my family without that tiny piece...] is my protest against the prevailing attitudes, identification with tradition and show of solidarity with the Great One's of all times.

Another reason is the following passage by the Klausenberger Rebbe ztz"l:
זקני הקדוש מצאנז זיע"א בליל הסדר האחרון שערך עם בני ביתו כבר לא היה בקו הבריאות וכל מה שאכל היה מקיא מיד ולמרות זאת לא נמנע מלאכול את השני כזיתים מצה ולפני אכילת מצה צוה שיקראו לבנים ולנכדים ואמר שיראו כל הצאצאים איך שצריכים למסור את הנפש על קיום מצוה דאורייתא ונטל ידיו ואכל וכל לעיסה שבלע היה מקיאה. ואח"כ נטל חתיכת מרור וצוה שיקראו לבנים ולנכדים שיראו איך שצריכים למסור נפש בפועל ממש אפילו על מצוה דרבנן ואח"כ לקח כורך ואמר שיראו הצאצאים איך שלא רק על מצוה דאורייתא ודרבנן יש למסור נפש אלא אפילו על מנהג ישראל ע"כ
That being said with regard to this particular custom - there were many who eat the end of the challah without any issues, such as .... The Holy Steipler ztz"l [Orchos Rabbeinu Vol. 3 page 104]