Thursday, March 19, 2015


From people's feedback I get a sense of how the posts were received and for that I am grateful. This written word is more easily misconstrued than the spoken word and I value the opportunity to clarify my intentions.

I was asked by a beloved friend about a recent post "Why I hate Netanyahu?"

Answer: I hate nobody. Even people who "dis me baaaad" or cause me emotional pain. Hatred destroys the hater more than anyone else so why would I want to destroy myself?! Plus and primarily - it is a serious Torah prohibition to hate another Jew [unless one is permitted to hate him as per the gemara in Pesachim 113] and I dress so frum so why would I have feelings that contradict what is expressed by my dark suit that I wear every day all day [which you gotta admit makes it easier to choose a wardrobe in the morning]?! I attempt to love every Jew. Sometimes I am more successful and sometimes less.

The purpose of my post was to lament the fact that a "Jewish State" features leaders who live in many ways very un-jewish lives. The basics are Shabbos, kashrus, tefillin, tfilla etc. etc. and all too often our leaders are more than lax in these areas.