Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Live What You Speak!

As you probably know - I have a computer:-). 

So I was listening to this WONDERFUL, entertaining lecture about G-d and science by a very eloquent gentile man [well dressed and nice looking may I add]. He refers to the "ancient Hebrews" and how they already knew what modern science just found out a few years ago and many other lovely arguments in favor of the overwhelming, incontrovertible evidence that there is an Almighty G-d. And of course how necessary religion is for morality etc. etc..

I was curious who he is so I went to his wiki page. 

Ahhhh - he was married to one woman but then was seen checking into a hotel with another and leaving with her the next morning [they did a mishmar and learned all the Ramban's on that weeks parsha, perhaps??]. He explained that he was engaged to her. But he was married at the time. To someone else. So was this woman. Then he got divorced, split up with the mistress too and married a third woman.   

So holy.

That is what I have been writing about recently: Emunah means ne'emanus. To have faith means to be faithful. To Hashem and to fellow man [and woman]. So let us not suffice with our proclamation of faith but actually LIVE what we believe. That means not wasting time which is a great gift, becoming as great in Torah as we can, giving as much tzedaka as we are able, being as kind to others as we possibly can, guarding our eyes and ears from seeing and hearing evil etc. etc.