Monday, June 1, 2020

Funerals Vs. Funerals

On this note

I am often astounded by the contrast between the funerals of Jews/Israelis killed by Arabs and the funerals of Arabs killed by Jews/Israelis. In the former, there are a lot of tears. words of Emunah, [at some] heartfelt song, a highlighting of the positive qualities of the niftar/nifteres that we can learn from. Then after the shiva or at the shloshim there is often a gathering with speeches by various people intended to elevate and inspire the listeners to become better people. Not a bad or angry word. Very often, a sefer of divrei Torah is then published in the person's memory and or a chesed organization is started.

Arab funerals - wild mobs, rage, screaming, burning flags, cries of revenge [that are often made good upon]. 

A stark contrast. And a shartk contrast! 

If an Arab would mistakenly walk into a Jewish funeral, he would walk out unscathed. If a Jew would accidentally walk into an Arab funeral [when the dead person was killed by Israelis or maybe other funerals as well], he would be lynched. To death. 

Or another example: An Arab makes a wrong turn and ends up in a Jewish neighboorhood like Bnei Brak or Kiryat Sefer. His look and license plate clearly identify him as an Arab. He can calmly stick his head out the window and ask for directions which any passerby who knows will unhesitatingly give to him. A Jew makes a wrong turn and ends up in an Arab village - well this has happened numerous times and the person needs a miracle to come out alive.       

But we read in the media that they are such kind genuine people and if Israel would just be more flexible there would be peace in the Middle East. 

ברוך אלקינו שבראנו לכבודו והבדילנו מן התועים.