Sunday, January 3, 2021

Ahavas HaTorah

 There is a famous סתירה between R' Yishmael and Rashbi in Brachos [35] and Menachos [99b]. In Brachos R"Y says to work AND learn. Rashbi says - NO! Just learn! In Menachos, R"Y tells his nephew that there is not a free minute in the day to learn חכמת יונית b/c one has to learn - constantly. Rashbi says that one fulfills his obligation to learn by merely reading Shema morning and night - and one need not learn constantly like he says in Brachos??!!!

R' Tzadok talks abt. this in his sefer on the Rambam that he wrote as a teenager [it is a פלאי פלאות-דיגע sefer]. Here is his knock-your-socks-off-answer. When the Tolna Rebbe Shlita was a young man, he told this terutz to the great Gaon Rav Pinchas Hirpshprung ztz"l. The Rav was so נתפעל from the answer, he literally started to dance and thanked Hashem that we had Rebbe Tzadok!!!!

We should all be zoche to have such Ahavas Torah!!!