Monday, January 11, 2021


I heard a very prominent MO Rabbi speaking. He is a good man. Much much better than I am. He does a lot more for Klal Yisrael than I will probably ever do. He is well-spoken, intelligent and works tirelessly for our people and makes a great Kiddush Hashem. 

That being said...

He says "Look, we need technology. There is nothing we can do. That is the world in which we live. So let's harness it for Torah". 

SO TRUUEEE! One cannot reasonably live in this world and make a living w/o technology, Internet etc. Now that we have it - it should be used to promote positive things. EMES!! 

But here is where it gets thorny. He has no problem with allowing kids to be immersed in technology. He discusses how to control their addictions and the constant struggles between parents and children around the various devices. But lichatchilah you can buy your children a phone etc. etc. 

I am confounded!!! How does one let one's child surf the Internet? How does a Torah Jew allow his or her child on Facebook or Instagram and all of the other nonsense out there??  Why can't one do w/o that? How does that help earn a living? How does that promote Torah or Yiras Shomayim?? It is so the opposite! I would never buy my child a smartphone or give them their own computer with Internet access. I love them too much. How is this good for them?? PLEASE explain this to me. [BTW - I don't have a smartphone and don't even know how to use one. The knowledge of this reality gives me much pleasure. What do I need it for?? I feel bad for people who have one but you would probably tell me not to feel bad for you. The average person checks his phone 96 times a day. So I save myself hundreds of thousands of checks over a lifetime. The average person taps, swipes, and clicks on his phone 2617 times per day. There are other things that can keep a Yid busy....]

My kids are home from school these days. Something about "Corona". [What is THAT??] So my wife has a computer. She puts in an Uncle Moishe CD and the kids listen. It is strictly monitored. It is not THEIR personal device חס ושלום. They don't learn with Zoom but via the telephone. If they would need to hear their classes on the computer then I get it. We need the Zoom. גם זום לטובה!! But why give them devices for nonsense and much much worse?? Their friends have it?? If their friends were smoking pot I wouldn't buy them pot. Would you? Technology is pot for the mind - numbing, disconnecting from reality and very bad for you.

Countless parents don't know how to deal w/ their kid's addictions to technology. So here is a great suggestion. Don't give it to them! If you must - then for an hour or whatever a day [provided that it is reasonably kosher] and that is IT. That is the precondition for letting the child use the toy. 

SO PLEASE!!! Have mercy on the souls of your children and don't be slaves to technology.