Saturday, January 2, 2021

Recipe For Emotional Issues - Not Thirsty

 I was reading an article about Jewish people who passed away in 2020. Here is a snippet:

 [He] received his doctorate from Berkeley in 2001 and joined the faculty at the University of Colorado Boulder in 2008. He leaves behind a husband, Gregg Drinkwater [WHATTA NAME!!!!], who also taught Jewish studies at UC Boulder, and a daughter, Sasha, whom he co-parented with Rabbi Caryn Aviv. 

Welcome to the wild wacky world of 2020 where men marry men and leave behind children they "co-parented" with a female rabbi.

This is a guess - but an educated one. A child who grows up w/ 2 fathers and no mother and whose biological mother has no relationship with the child or with the child's biological father is going to be [trigger alert: This is not politically correct!!] messed up in the head....  Sasha might have "water to drink" but will have other serious issues.