Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Life Hack - [Over]Eating

Almost everybody [who can afford to] eats more than he or she needs to eat in order to function. We can test this by eating a lot less than we are accustomed to and see that we are satisfied and manage juuuuust fine [עי' רמב"ם הל' דעות פ"ד הלכה ב-ג] . I read that in 2105 - 2.5 billion people worldwide were overweight. I don't know what the numbers are now but I certainly don't want to go around counting... 

Overeating is bad for your body and worse for your soul. So how do you contain it?

First one must acknowledge the reality that a] I eat too much and b] It is bad for me. Many people will not acknowledge either or both and therefore not to them I talk.  

Now do this - figure how much you need to eat in order not to be too hungry [i.e. you are almost full - see the Rambam I referenced which is affirmed by modern medicine]. Now decide BEFORE you start eating that you are going to eat that amount and no more. Make a bracha, eat, make your bracha achrona, and go on with your day. 

Dessert - not necessary. Save it for Shabbos if necessary. 

Note: This writer is 5'10 and about 116 pounds. It is not b/c I starve myself. It is b/c of my metabolism. I also struggle with not overeating. It is normal to have this issue. Food is pleasure and we are pleasure seekers by nature. 

Now you have all this extra money from food you didn't eat? You can feed the hungry.... 😊😊😊