Monday, March 1, 2021

Who Is Hashem? - Theological Musings Li-myseh

Who is Hashem?

Ask a Lubavitcher and he will describe HIS Hashem. [First of all - He is a Lubavitcher...]

Ask a Satmarer about Hashem and you will get a different picture. 

The Hashem of Rav Kook isn't the Hashem of Rav Soloveitchik.

The Hashem of Rav Schach is not the Hashem of Rav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach. [I would even suggest that the Hashem of Rav Shmuel - R' Shlomo Zalman's son - was different than that of his father...].  

The Hashem of the Rambam is significantly different than the Hashem of the Arizal. 

The Hashem of Rav Aharon Lichtenstein is very different than the Hashem of most other Roshei Yeshiva of Heder Yeshivos [and קל וחומר of Charedi Yeshivos].  

So foooooor goooodness sakes - who is Hashem?????????????????????

Even when you learn Tanach you can ask - who is Hashem? The Hashem of "א-ל קנא ונוקם" or "וחרה אף ה' בכם ועצר את השמים" or the Hashem of "בנים אתם לה' א-להיכם" or "אהבתי אתכם אמר השם"?

Let me be CLEAR. There is ONE Hashem. No more. There is no contradiction in Tanach. All of the Neviim described the same Hashem from different perspectives. 

Hashem in His essence - לית מחשבה תפיסא ביה. There is no way to possibly comprehend. 

Hashem as He appears to us in Tanach and Chazal - that is another story. That was given in order that we understand. That is Hashem as he relates to US. 

Think about it: Every person is created בצלם א-להים. On some level, every person reflects an aspect of Hashem. Try figuring out a Being who encompasses billions and billions of people - and much more....

So OUR TASK is to learn and learn and learn and learn so that we can understand more and more about Hashem. And after all is said and done - TREMENDOUS HUMILITY with the knowledge that we haven't even SCRATCHED THE SURFACE. 

I often hear people talking about Hashem as if they "get Him" and have Him [כביכול] in their back pocket. Totally not.   

Similarly, I often hear people talking about Olam HaBa or Yemos HaMoshiach as if they know what they are and what transpires in those times. It is all just that person's narrative b/c in reality we can't know what those concepts are until we get there. People make things up b/c [among other reasons] it makes them feel better [ואכמ"ל].  

Bottom line: Study and humility!!!!!!!!!!! Then more study and more humility!!!!!