Sunday, July 3, 2022

It Is NOT OK To Serve Idols

 A "kiruv website" recently had a long very positive feature on a Jew who was not only an עובד עבודה זרה himself but was a מסית ומדיח and brought others to idol worship. But it is "OK" b/c at one point he took an interest in Judaism too.... [As always my letter to them was ignored. They can ignore me but not Hashem....].

An "Orthodox Jewish" podcast interviews a man who was Jewish but then became a משומד by converting to another religion. But it is OK b/c he is still proud that he was born Jewish....

We live in a world where anyone may believe whatever they want. All faiths are equal. That attitude is of course anathema to Judaism and Torah. We have a ZERO TOLERANCE policy for Jews who become עובדי עבודה זרה of any faith. There is no excuse and justification for shining a positive light on our greatest ideological enemies. The tachlis of the world is recognizing Hashem and these people promote the opposite רח"ל.