Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Like Moses

I am sorry but I feel compelled to write this....

This is a comment on the previous two posts. A true talmid chacham and tzaddik doesn't advertise himself. Rav Moshe Feinstein never had a blog [for more reasons than one]. I consider it quite pretentious to post information about shiurim or meetings held on my behalf. It staggers me with the question "Who do you think you are?? You are a nobody. LESS than a nobody." So it is painful to publicize my upcoming events. I am not being modest. Modesty is for those who are truly great and "do their thing" quietly. I am so small and insignificant. Recently I spoke somewhere and afterwards somebody approached me and said I should call up "so and so" to organize a shiur in the community. I still haven't done it. How do I call someone and say "Hey, my name is Ehrman and I give a great shiur. Organize one for me".

The reason I allow myself to publicize is that I think I have what to offer and people would benefit by coming. I personally know that I would benefit so that's at least one person. That is also why I am doing my best to stay in chinuch even though I have to fund the whole project myself [with help from my sponsors:-)]. It is not arrogant to think that you have what to offer. It IS arrogant to think that you are in some way superior to others. I hope I never become a baal gyveh. If I do, please tell me. The stench that emanates from baalei gyveh is unbearable.

I hope to merit being HUMBLE. Humility is the crown of all good qualities. The greatest man of all time was characterized specifically with that quality.

והאיש משה עניו מאד מכל אדם אשר על פני האדמה