Sunday, June 24, 2012


Sweetest friends!!

A problem I am having. There is a sfira ["Divine sphere and quality" for lack of better translation] called yesod [foundation]. This is the sixth of the "lower" sfeeros. It is the "foundation" of our Avodas Hashem. If we lack yesod we lack EVERYTHING. If there is no foundation there is no learning, davening, chesed, anything! Yesod is the "sixth" sfira which corresponds to the sixth day when man was created. The existence of man is rooted in the middah of yesod.

What is yesod? Yesod is being careful about all improper thoughts, speech and WHAT WE SEE. Meaning, a man must be EXTREMELY VIGILANT to avoid seeing an immodestly dressed woman. It might seem harmless to look at someone not dressed properly but in fact it corrupts the soul.

Now we get to the problem. MANHATTAN. There is a clear proliferation of amnesia in this city. Woman forget to get dressed in the morning. Alternatively, they can't afford clothing. Something is up. It is HORRIBLE. Eve before the sin. Some crazy yetzer hara that woman have to reveal all. How does one walk down the street? With his eyes down of course. But he HAS to look when crossing the street and to see where he is going. All I see around me is flesh. WHAT ABOUT YESOD???? Even cabs have advertisements for call girls [with "appropriate" pictures to advertise their wares] on their roofs. DISGUSTING. NO BUSHAH!

So what is a Yid to do??

Answer: DON'T GIVE UP. If there is an אונס and one has to look then it is not his fault. But despite the amount of pritzus he sees - an effort must be made to minimize it.

The Internet: It seems that every site HAS to have some pritzus somewhere. Youtube? If you are looking for a video of, for example, a tisch of the Toldos Aharon Rebbe, invariably a pornographic video will appear on the side of your screen. So STAY OFF YOUTUBE. Avoid ALL WEBSITES unless you are absolutely sure they are clean. I am not talking about "chumras". I am talking about pornography. Yutorah is clean. is clean. Guardyoureyes is clean. But most sites have SOMETHING objectionable. Even "religious" blogs will link to pritzus and many are FILLED with kefirah.

It is NOT practical to instruct the Jewish People to lock themselves up in a room because the world is so filthy. But we must do what we can to minimize the damage. I personally think I am going to move back to Israel and live in a religious neighborhood.....

In the meantime - I battle.

Join me.

Love and blessings:-)!

PS - After posting I saw that a recent post linked a word to an immodest picture. As I noted recently I don't make these links and they appear automatically. IF it happens PLEASE email me so I can remove the offensive word and link להסיר מכשול.