Monday, June 4, 2012

A No Hitter

This morning I davened all the way uptown [a frum way to get "high"] and decided that my body needs some exercise so I walked home. Of course something has to happen on the way home that will help me in my Avodas Hashem....

I saw a big newspaper clipping in a storefront window that a pitcher for the Mets threw the team's first no-hitter ever [don't remember the name of the pitcher and frankly can't name one major league player but I can assure you his name wasn't "Moishe Schwartzenfeld". Something more Hispanic I think].

I thought - "Big deal, thus far this whole trip to chutz la-aretz has been like a 'no-hitter' for me!!:-)." Thus far it's been slowwwwwwww.

So I am glad I was able to see things in a humorous vein and I reminded myself about the most necessary ingredient for any venture in life [you've heard this before from me...].


I must admit that it is slightly nerve-wracking for me not knowing what the future holds [I am not alone] but He got us out of Egypt and He has preserved us through all of history as the "70 Wolves" tried to devour the "One Sheep" so I am SURE that he can take care of his son Elchanan ben Henna Miriam.

PLEASE daven for me:-).