Today we commemorate the shattering of the holy luchos that Hashem gave Moshe. Strangely enough the Torah ends with the words אשר עשה משה לעיני כל ישראל- That Moshe did in front of the eyes of all of the Jewish people. What did he do? The answer is that he shattered the luchos. What a strange way to end the Torah??? So depressing!
No sir-ee! Not depressing at all!!
The kabalistic sefer hayetzira teaches us about a concept called סופו נעוץ בתחילתו - the end is rooted in the beginning. How does the Torah begin?? With the word בראשית - In the beginning. The luchos were shattered but then we start again anew!! Nothing ever is so destroyed that it can't be fixed. There is ALWAYS a new beginning.
Look at the word for grave - קבר. OK - now scramble the letters and what do you get? בקר - Morning. Even after the grave there will be a new morning, a new start.
SWEEETEST FRIENDS!! PLEASE. NEVER GIVE UP HOPE. WE CAN FIX EVERYTHING. That is what the beginning and end of the Torah teaches us - and everything in between...
Love and blessings:-)