Monday, August 26, 2013

The Dead Know

A myseh she-haya:

When Rav Avraham Genechovski's mother, Gita, passed away, his father asked him to write a sefer in her memory. [Incidentally, she earned FOUR doctorates]. He agreed and published a sefer on Maseches Horiyos called חדר הורתי.

One day Rabbi Shmuel Baruch Werner called Rav Genechovski and told him that he had the most amazing dream. The late Mrs. Genechovski appeared to him, repeated a question he asked in his sefer משפטי שמואל סימן ד ענף יא and told him that the same question also appears in the sefer her son put out in her memory and that he should look there. When he woke up he looked in the sefer and there it was, just as he was told. [The question was on the gemara in Kidushin that says that if one's parents are divorced he can choose to serve either one first. This is difficult based on the mishna in Horiyos 13a that implies that the father should come first ע"ש].

Rav Genechovski said that you see that neshamos in the world of truth are told not only of the Torah thoughts written in their memory but are even told of other sefarim that deal with the same issues.

[Agan Hasahar page 63]

לזכות שמואל אלכסנדר בן נעכא גיטל