Here is a radical idea.....
Everybody walks around with a phone. But why? Where does it say that you must??
OK, where does it say that you shouldn't?
So we are on even ground. No compelling reason to have one, no compelling reason not to. But wait. Pirkei Avos...
כל ימי גדלתי בין החכמים ולא מצאתי לגוף טוב משתיקה - All of the days of my life I have been raised among the wise and I found nothing better for my body than SILENCE.
Oh me, oh my!!!:-) This mishna is saying that all other things being equal, one should remain silent. It is good not only for the soul but for the body as well. G-d can be found not in loud noise but in silence - קול דממה דקה [Melachim 1/19]. The Chazon Ish starts his classic "Emunah U'vitachon" by saying that one can achieve Emunah if שעתו שעת השקט - his time is a time of quiet. The Mishna teaches that silence is good for the body too. It is HEALTHY to experience silence. It can bring one to a sense of inner peace and serenity.
So here is my suggestion - Carry around your phone but only call somebody if there is a reason to do so, otherwise, enjoy the quiet. [It is even permitted even to turn it off from time to time]. I suspect that many people call just because they are bored and have a phone in pocket.