Sunday, August 11, 2024

Tisha B'av Entertainment

Introducing,  TishaB'Av+, an all new streaming service containing every Tisha B'av event, video, speech, and production from the last 20 years. A Charlie Harari extravaganza. You will be soooo sad when Tisha B'av is over! Will help you appreciate retroactively how really good the churban was for Klal Yisrael. Otherwise, Tisha B'av would be just another boring summer day from the  "dog days" of summer. 

On that note - For 50 extra dollars, we will send a cute puppy for you to play with all Tisha B'av. 

The important thing is not to think about the fast and to make it go by as fast as possible.



BTW - That was a really vile idea of the Goyim to destroy the Beis Hamikdash right smack in the middle of summer vacation.