Thursday, August 1, 2024

Yahrtzeit Shiur For HaGaon Rav Shmuel Rozovsky ztz"l - Nedarim And Krias Shema In Foreign Languages/ Descriptions Of The Sweetness And Simcha Of His Torah And Shiurim


Donald Trump or Kamala Harris says something nonsensical and the pundits go on line and spend an hour analyzing the noisy hot air that was produced and within hours they garner tens of thousands of views. Nonsense about nonsense and people can't get enough of it.  

Rav Shmuel produced reams and reams of tremendous Chidushei HaTorah and the world is ignorant of it. One sentence of R' Shmuel contains more Chochma than hours and hours of the blabber that is so popular today. 

So unfortunate and even sad.  

מודה אני לפניך ששמת חלקי מיושבי בית המדרש!!!