I have 2 billion dollars in my hand!!!
Let me explain: If someone would offer me 2 billion dollars to take away my hand [why he would do that is another question but as they say in Yiddish "Oif a mayseh fregt men nicht kein kashyas" About a story we don't ask questions - that's what happened!] I wouldn't take it!
Because I am a tzaddik and don't care about money? Halevai!!!:)
But because my hand is worth more than 2 billion dollars. Too useful. Even my right hand [I'm a lefty..].
So literally, I have 2 BILLION DOLLARS [more] in my hand.
Don't you?
הודו לה' כי טוב כי לעולם חסדו!
Love, Blessings and Tomid Bi'simcha!!