Friday, April 8, 2011
An ATHEIST!! Yes! I was talking to a friend. He davens three times a day with a minyan, sends his kids to Yeshiva, his wife wears a tichel, he only drinks cholov yisroel and eats glatt kosher. He learns daf yomi, mishna yomis, halacha yomis. Wears tcheiles and puts on Rabbeinu Tam tefillin [according to the shulchan aruch those tefillin are only to be donned by those who excel in their fear of Heaven]. So FRUM. But a heretic! OY VEY IZ MIR!!!!!! Oh, don't get me wrong - he claims to believe in G-d. But he spoke lashon hara. And one who speaks lashon hara is considered by Hashem as an atheist. Chazal say "ki'eeloo kofar bi'ikkar". May Hashem save us. The tikkun? Say NICE things about others! [See Taly's beautiful dvar Torah that preceded this one.] Zohar: Just as Hashem will take us to task for all of the negative things we say, he will also judge us for all of the positive things that we DIDN'T say. LOVE, BLESSINGS AND A SHABBOS THAT IS MAMESH MAY'AIN OLAM HABA!:)