A HUGEEEEEEE mazel tov to Tzvi Moshe Kantor on his marriage tonight to Leah Rothman!!
May they build home where the Shechina resides. I am sure these two holy people will!! The wedding was beyond simchi'dik! The wedding took place at Moshav Orah - a "dwelling of light". How fitting!
Once I am giving mazel tovs - To Reb Daniel Eliyahu Ross and his wife on the borth of TWINSSSS!!! Mazel Tov, Mazel Tov!! Those who know Reb Daniel know what a unique simcha it is!
To Reb Yehoshua Zev Richman and his wife on the birth of TWINSSSSSS!!!!! Mazel Tov Mazel Tov!!
Let's go to MINNESOTA!!!
To Reb Yechezkel Tannenbaum and his wife on the birth of their first daughter!!
To C.A.F. one of our most faithful readers and holiest Jewesses on her BIRTHDAY!!!!
And, on a somber note, I feel deep anguish and sadness upon the passing of a true baalas emunah, who bravely fought the angel of death until he prevailed, Meira Reimer. May her special and dedicated husband Reb Daniel Simcha and her family find nechama in the building of tzyion and tchiyas hameisim SPEEDILY IN OUR DAYS!!! I [among hundreds of others] was deeply moved by the eulogies and feel humbled knowing what heights one can reach at such a young age. May we all be moved to appreciate our health and life while we have it and never waste a moment granted to us as a Divine gift never to be taken for granted.