Monday, December 24, 2012

Hashiveynu Hashem Eilecha

New issue of Klal Perspectives on the topic of kiruv, here.

My two cents [it could be that one or more of the writers already made this point - I didn't read the journal]: Many "Modern Orthodox" could use some kiruv too and it is much easier to get a person who keeps "half-shabbos" to keep "whole shabbos" than it is to get someone who keeps "no-shabbos" to keep "whole-shabbos" - especially given the fact that he is surrounded by people who are already keeping shabbos. Many [NOT ALL] MO shuls are spiritually dry and it seems sometimes that even the Rabbi could use a bit of kiruv. Our resources would be more effectively utilized this way.

Point two: A lot of Charedim need kiruv, too. Really. Just because a person wears a black hat or a sheitel [usually not on the same head] doesn't mean that he/she is so holy. Lots of people need chizuk in Emunah and Tefilla and learning etc. Once people feel strengthened in their own religiosity they will be sufficiently enthused to want to be mekarev others. A grass roots kiruv campaign will bring much greater results than when just "kiruv professionals" do it.

Point three: This writer needs someone to be mekarev him, too. My number is 646 350 8419. It's a local call [even though I live in Israel]. Give me a ring and bring me back to Hashem.

השיבנו השם אליך ונשובה!!!