Wednesday, June 26, 2013

An Open Letter To The Out-Going Chief Rabbi

From the "Times of Israel" -

Retiring British Chief Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks has launched an attack on ultra-Orthodox Judaism, which “segregates itself from the world and from its fellow Jews.”  Speaking at his own retirement dinner Monday night, Sacks drew an equivalence between assimilated Jews “who embrace the world and reject Judaism, and those who embrace Judaism and reject the world.”

Gee whiz!!! Why do such intelligent people sometimes say the SILLIEST things. Let me rephrase what  he said: "Men learning in the Mir, Ponevitch and Lakewood are as distant from true Judaism as an assimilated Jew in Texas who feasts on Yom Kippur and is married to a non-Jewish woman." [In a sense you can say that intermarried people "embrace" the "world"].

I quote: That the center is shrinking is “worse than dangerous,” said Sacks. “It is an abdication of the role of Jews and Judaism in the world. We are here to engage with the world, to be true to our faith and a blessing to others regardless of their faith.”

What does that MEAN??

I quote again: Lord Sacks himself recalled the time he went to an Arsenal game with the former Archbishop of Canterbury, Lord Carey, only to see their team lose 6:2 to Manchester United. Asked by a newspaper whether this proved that God did not exist, he responded, “No, it proves he’s a supporter of Manchester United.”

Now - exclusive to readers of Mevakesh, a letter I didn't send to him.

Dear Rabbi, Dr. and Lord Sacks!!!:-) [Is that the right order??] 

First of all I love your dry English wit. You are also very articulate, passionate about what you believe in and [if I may say] a handsome man. With apologies I must take issue [pronounce that like an Englishman: "Isss yewwwwww"] with your speech as reported in the press.

We aren't interested in English football. We want to be separate! הן עם לבדד ישכון ובגוים לא יתחשב - We are a separate unique nation. We aren't interested in all of the emptiness that pervades the world. You, as someone who is an ardent admirer of Rav Kook and the Lubavitcher Rebbe would admit that they wouldn't be proponenets of engaging our hedonistic-overly-sexed-materialistic-narcissictic-self-indulgent-sports-obssessed-Facebook-engrossed-externally-focused-world.

We are a light unto the nations when we are faithful to our ancient heritage, when we are pleasant to all, when we are filled with love, light and Torah and ruchniyus. Would the Chofetz Chaim be in favor of being immersed in secular society?? Was the Chofetz Chaim a danger to Judaism?? Is a 19 year old kid in university who spends his evenings drinking with goyim [and then...] but who puts on tefillin in the morning a better Jew because he is not separtist and isolationist?

Oh Lord!!! [Not sure to which Lord I refer:-)]

In any event, best of luck in the future. Now that you probably have a tidy sum to retire I bless you that you should be zoche to move to Yerushalayim and spend your days and nights immersed in the treasures of the Torah. And as for your darling wife Lady Elaine - she can attend shiurim at the Israel Center for all the Bubbes.



PS - I really enjoy your books. I don't always agree but you have a way with words, a broad vocabulary and GREAT quotes:-)!