Sunday, September 15, 2013

Parallel Realities

The spiritual world is reflected in the physical world. An example of this is the halacha that if one is writing tefillin or mezuzos, he is not allowed to interrupt when he gets to the name of Hashem - even if a king comes by [Yerushalmi Brachos 5/1]. The reason, explains the Rogochover, is that דהוה מציאות אחת ואי אפשר לחלק  - Hashem's name is one reality and cannot be split up into two parts. Just as Hashem is one so must be the writing of His name. That also explains why one who writes Hashem's name on Shabbos is not chayav until he writes the whole thing [Yerushalmi Shabbos 13/1]. Even though one is normally obligated for writing two letters, Hashem's name is different. You need the whole thing. The gemara [38 with Rashi] in Yoma relates that Ben Kamtzer would write the name of Hashem by putting four pens in between his fingers and he would write the name of Hashem at once. Why the acrobatics? The Imrei Emes explains based on our principle. Ideally, Hashem's one-ness should be expressed in the writing of His name.  

Public confession. I am NUTS about the Rogochover Gaon. If I can get other people hooked, then this blog will have been a success....:-)

לע"נ זקנתי מרת חנה בת ר' מאיר זאב