Sunday, January 12, 2014

Anything To Sell Papers

About the murder of Mr. Stark, the press coverage and the lessons learned, here.

I will add that the New York Post is a sensationalist, pornographic, beneath contempt newspaper and it is shameful that any frum Jew should ever read it. I am not really upset that they spoke so negatively of the murder victim after his death [except for the pain it caused his family and friends]. They have one objective - to sell papers. They will write anything they can in order to reach this objective. I don't expect much more from them. Would you like that the Chofetz Chaim be their guiding light??

I see how low some frum Jews will sink to make money [there are some genuinely religious Jews who are models of honesty], so I certainly don't expect more from goyim.

It is not only a question of dishonesty in our communities, there is a much more basic issue at hand. Everybody will say that it is wrong to steal. The problem is the way people relate to money and how it trumps religious obligations [such as learning] impinges on family life [because of the endless hours people work in order to make a living], causes strife between couples and makes people awwwwfulllly arrogant.

הצילני מדמים אלוהים - Save me from making money my god, cried Dovid Hamelech in tehillim. אלהי כסף ואלהי זהב לא תעשו לכם - Don't make gold and silver your gods, we read in this weeks parsha.

It is an obsession that people have and, frankly, makes people crazy. I have written this on many occasions in the past and will write it again now.


So if you are fortunate enough to have it [I know many people who aren't], be generous, use it for good things and always remember where it came from.....