Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Letterman And [Li-havdil] The Ohr Ha-Chaim

David Letterman is about to give his last appearance on his famous show. Since this is happening around Shavuos, I believe that it is very significant.

Shavuos - Letterman??

[On one "kiruv" website they have an article about him. That is how I found out as I don't watch or own a TV. This website contains some worthy material and other material which is very non-Torahdik and even AGAINST the Torah. They have, in a least one instance, kefirah, a lack of tzniyus, hashkafos that don't reflect the views of their very own rabbonim and all gedolei yisrael etc.  וד"ל  But I assume that they are mekarev some people as well. Not that it justifies what is inappropriate, but at least a limud zchus].

 How many Shomer Shabbos people in the US have heard of Letterman? Just about everyone you and I know. How many people have seen the show? Ditto.

How many of those same people heard of Rav Meir Don Plotzki, the great author of the Kli Chemdah; Rav Yosef Engel, the super gaon and author of the classic Asvan Di-orasia and many more important sefarim; Rav Menachem Zemba, the author of the Totzaos Chaim; Rav Aryeh Tzvi Fromer, the Baal Ha-eretz Tzvi etc. etc. add the names of many of our great tzadikim and gaonim? Not too many. How many people can quote their teachings? Even less. How many people are interested?

These are people who were angels. Some of whom were killed Al Kiddush Hashem. Guiding Lights. Pillars of wisdom and righteousness. They are our TRUE HEROS.

Who is David Letterman? I will not gross you out with the gory details but he is a מושחת שאין כמוהו - a terribly corrupt individual. Well not שאין כמוהו because almost EVERYBODY in that world lives as he lives. Women, alcohol, more women, more alcohol; a life revolving around immersion in the body and its senses.

Yet, many of us and our children know more about athletes, actors and entertainers than we do about the Kedoshei Elyon that graced this planet.

Rav Hutner said that when we faced the mountain to receive the Torah, at the same time we turned our back to the rest of the world. THAT is kabbolas hatorah.

There are two parts. First - a rejection of what is opposed to Torah. Pritzus, tumah, leitzanus etc. סור מרע.

Then עשה טוב. If we avoid what is bad then the Light of Torah can penetrate our souls. If we have the right focus we can experience what the Ohr Hachaim wrote [and others sing]

ואין טוב אלא תורה, שאם היו בני אדם מרגישים במתיקות ועריבות טוב התורה  היו משתגעים ומתלהטים אחריה ולא יחשב בעיניהם מלא עולם כסף וזהב למאומה כי התורה כוללת כל הטובות שבעולם"  [אור החיים דברים פרק כ"ו]

If people would feel the sweetness of the goodness of Torah they would go NUTS and all of the money of the world would be worthless in their eyes. Because Torah includes all of the good in the world.

In my study where I spend almost all day every day, I have but one object hanging from the wall. A laminated sign with the words of the Ohr Ha-chaim Ha-kadosh made by my daughter Gila.


That is a good avoda for this chag. To make kabollos for ourselves and our children that will help us strengthen our connection to Torah.

לזכות ידיד נפשי ר' דניאל יעקב בן ר' ברוך צבי לברכה והצלחה בכל מעשי ידיו