Monday, September 17, 2018

Social Media

After all is said and done - there is a lot of negative to be said about social media. 

But since the beginning of time we have never had a situation that within minutes virtually everybody on earth [except for the billion or so that don't have internet] knows about a tragedy and can help lighten the pain. 

I refer to the fact that R' Ari Fuld was murdered yesterday morning and in under 36 hours about $360,000 [and counting] has been raised for his family. That is a lot of money. When I was working it would have taken me about 30 years of working to earn that amount. And here it came in over the course of a day and a half. That is thanks to the warm hearts of Jews and the power of social media. If the money is invested well then Miriam Fuld [Ari's grieving widow] will never have to worry about money again. It won't bring her husband back but will make life much easier. 

So thank you Hashem for gofundme and for kind people who care.