Monday, February 21, 2022

Hashkafic Clash On El Al

From the news:

An unpleasant incident developed between former President of Israel Reuven Rivlin and El Al flight attendants who refused to allow him to sit with his wife on a flight from Dubai to Israel.

An El Al spokesman explained that El Al is becoming more Chasidic and a man has no business publicly sitting next to any woman - even his wife. 

Rivlin said that his ancestors are מתלמידי הגר"א and don't buy that Chasidishe chumra.

Rivlin's wife privately expressed relief that she had some peace and quiet for a few hours. 

No offense.  

A court date for the suit Rivlin has filed has not been set. 

Why anyone should care about this story is beyond me. But people are bored and always on the lookout for "interesting" news.