Sunday, May 29, 2022

R' Yehoshafat [Amar'e] Stoudemire's Shidduch Resume


Here is his résumé:

Name: Amar’e Carsares Stoudemire – Yehoshafat Ben Avraham

Location: Brooklyn Heights, NY

Height: 6’ 10”

DOB: 11/16/82




Yeshiva: Ohr Somayach, Jerusalem, Israel

College: University of Miami (MBA)


CEO/Founder, The Amar’e Stoudemire Foundation

NBA Coach for the Brooklyn Nets

*Family Background*

My family is from Central Florida.

I converted in Bnei Brak, Israel, under the beit din of Rav Nissim Karelitz


Shul: Bnei Abraham in Brooklyn Heights

Rabbi: Rabbi Raskin

*About me*

I enjoy traveling, learning Torah, hiking, biking, snowboarding, etc.

I try to live my life with complete happiness, with Torah study as the main focus.

When I was younger my mother told me we descended from the Israelites and she wanted me to reconnect with the laws of Moshe. That led me on my path of learning and finding Judaism, and, ultimately, converting.

I’m shomer Shabbat.

I dress modestly but with swagger.

I’m divorced with beautiful children.

My lifestyle consists of Torah learning and entertainment.

I worked in the fashion industry, art, sports, and food and wine.

*My foundation*

The Amar’e Stoudemire Foundation’s mission is to cure poverty through education.

I am looking to continue to build a family and live a life of Torah.


He leaves out the fact that he is worth tens of million$$$$$$$!!!!! [GREAT SHADCHANUS GELT IF YOU FIND HIM THE RIGHT ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!]

We don't want CHAS VI-SHALOM that ladies should be interested b/c of his money!!!! They should rather be impressed by his mesirus nefesh for Torah and modest but swagger clothing!!! 😀

If you know anyone..... 

ואהבתם את הגר!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!