Sunday, April 23, 2023

Right In The Nick Of Time

Recently, a teenage boy in my neighborhood fell asleep on the bus. The driver didn't bother waking him up. The boy finally woke up and found himself on some highway where the driver let him off [give that driver a raise - like NOT!!!]. The boy didn't know what to do. Then a car pulled up with a number of Bnei Yishmael. 馃槯馃槯馃槼馃槼 One of them started getting out of the car in the direction of the boy. [Dramatic movie music plays]. 

Then - zoooooooom. A police car sped over and quite probably saved the boys life. 馃槄馃槄  Then at some point, someone from the neighborhood drove by and took the boy home. 

The parents made a biiiig kiddush this Shabbos to thank Hashem for this yeshua. BARUCH HASHEM!!! 

But as often - Hashem didn't act Alone. He sent His shlichim, this time in the guise of 诪砖讟专转 讬砖专讗诇. Which got me thinking. The police force is part of the infrastructure of the Medinah. Now the family of this boy are shtark Briskers who hold of the Medinah like I hold of JOFA.  But in this instance - it was an arm of the Medinah that saved their child's life. 

So as I have been stressing recently on the blog - the Medinah is great, good, bad and horrible [like the Mets used to be - depending on the season馃榾] . We should try to see it from all angles and not get loss in the one dimensional perspective that is often presented.