Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Herzog Calls For Ahavas Yisrael

At a ceremony marking 50 years since the Yom Kippur War, President Isaac Herzog said the country is facing a national state of emergency of division and polarization.

“Half a century after the Yom Kippur War, Israeli society is divided and polarized - making me feel at times like a polar bear - and the crisis that has accompanied us for nine months is giving birth to a child that is tearing us apart, directly harming society, the economy and security,” said Herzog at the event at the Latrun memorial outside Jerusalem.

“There is no denying that we are in a real internal state of emergency,” added Herzog. “There is no denying that this is a time for soul searching, for learning lessons, for taking responsibility. We must all internalize the fact that our national resilience and the security of the nation are directly tied to the internal Israeli situation. The ONLY way to ameliorate the problem is by learning the 32nd chapter of Tanya about Ahavat Yisrael. We must appreciate that there is a Torah obligation to love fellow Jews. We must not only love fellow Jews but we must love Torah and Hashem. This is not self serving loving other people because they are on our team, so to speak. No. We love because it is the will of Hashem. ואהבת לרעך כמוך אני השם. We must never omit Hashem from the equation. The problem is that this is a secular state where the government is run by secular people as is the army and other government organizations. We even forbid Jews to pray in public according to Jewish law with a mechitza. Even in the goyish USA they allow Jews to pray in public with a mechitza [like during corona]. But what we do allow here is for the homos to march in public, block off the streets and try to recruit our children to join their toevot. THAT we allow. Like INSANE. What would my great Sabba say??? Is this the Medinat Yisrael we envisioned? We must return to Torah and Hashem!!! ”

Strong words from the Nasi!!!!