Monday, October 29, 2012

Here For A "Stormy" Visit


I have arrived in America. The purpose of my trip is multi-fold. Whenever I come here Hashem always presents me with numerous unexpected opportunities [which I often blog about] and I clearly see His Hand. It is just plain fun watching how things happen. However, of course I came with a number of predefined purposes [such as a number of E-X-C-I-T-I-N-G SMACHOT] and not just to enjoy being a puppet in the Divine plan. 

There is fundraising for the kollel that is presently learning. That is a great cause. Torah.

In addition, next year I would like to add a post high school yeshiva. In order to do this I need to recruit students. What is going to be special and unique about the yeshiva?

1] Middos: We strive to educate boys to be men of the noblest character. This will be accomplished by gaining a proper understanding of what the mussar sefarim teach. We will also learn how to implement their teachings. Emphasizing self growth and introspection is critical and I am not aware of a yeshiva [despite the fact that every yeshiva that teaches Torah is hallowed] that puts this issue at the forefront as we will.

2] Chassidus: Many people keep mitzvos but they do so without passion and joy. By learning and teaching sifrei chassidut we want to inject more excitement into Avodas Hashem.

3] Gemara: Many boys CAN'T READ A GEMARA. This is a tragedy. They are really missing out. We are going to make sure that the boys learn how to read so that they are more comfortable and at ease with a daf gemara. If the boy already knows how to read then we will show him the infinite layers of meaning that underlie the deep teachings of Chazal. The goal is that the boys should fall in love with gemara and appreciate the numerous approaches to learning [דרכי הלימוד] and ultimately become talmidei chachomim. Gemara, as life, is not a spectator sport. We want the boys to become active participants in thousands of years of halachic analysis.

There is a lot more but that is in a nutshell.

Our staff presently consists of myself who is at the helm with Hashem's grace. In case you don't know who I am [and even if you do know who I am] my name is Elchanan Ehrman [I can be contacted at and 212-799-1124] and I have been zoche to teach in various yeshivos and seminaries for twenty years; Rabbi Ari Klapper, an outstanding talmid chochom and mechanech who will give the top shiur and Rabbi Simcha Sussman who was a beloved Rebbe in DRS and Ohr Yerushalayim among other places who will serve as mashgiach ruchani. I believe that the three of us [with more people coming] will create a fresh, new, exciting, vibrant yeshiva. I am beyond excited about the yeshiva and our staff. It has been a pleasure working with my two aforementioned friends. We have already put a great deal of time and effort into planning.

Our website is It goes without saying that this is a costly venture. I hope the next few weeks bear fruit.

IF you know twelfth grade boys who would be a fit for the yeshiva please tell them and me. Since we are new it has been challenging trying to attract students. I am certain that after a year we will have developed a great reputation and this will no longer be an issue.

I thank everyone for their help.

This last year-plus has taught me who my real friends are [and aren't :-)] and I can't express my appreciation for everything. But I will still try - both personally and publicly.

In addition, if anyone wants to organize a shiur I am generally happy to go anywhere and consider it a zchus.


Love always,


PS - Please forward this to interested parties.