Somebody once said that everybody talks about the weather but nobody ever does anything about it. So let's do something. Learn:-).
In the gemara when a Rabbi makes reference to his youth he says בימי חורפי - In the days of my winter. Why is youth called "winter"?
I once heard [from Rav Yeshayahu Shteinberger of Yeshivat HaKotel, I believe in the name of Maran HaRav Hutner ztz"l] that winter is a time when one must remain indoors due to the inclement weather. What is there to do indoors [before computers and television etc.]? LEARN.
בימי חורפי. In my youth, the days of my winter before I had to run around pursuing a livelihood and I could just stay inside and learn.
Nu, in the New York area we all have a day or two of staying indoors to reconnect to eternity.
אשרינו מה טוב חלקנו וכמה נפלאים ועמוקים דברי חכמים.