Monday, February 2, 2015

Skipping Brachos

If one is reciting birkas hamazon and accidently skipped out וְעַל הַכּל and רַחֶם נָא and only realized after concluding the bracha of בּוֹנֵה בְרַחֲמָיו, (although didn’t start the next bracha), can they go back to וְעַל הַכּל?

Yes, you would have to go back to Ve’al Ha’kol, and to say Boneh Yerushalayim again.


Although the Aruch HaShulchan (188) discusses the question of changing the order of the berachos in Birkas HaMazon, and writes that the order is not me’akev, Shut Tzitz Eliezer (13:16) cites from many authorities that the order of the berachos is essential and me’akev, so that you would have to return to the Ve’al Ha’kol and continue from there.