At the end of the shirah we say daily, the pasuk says כי בא סוס פרעה ברכבו ובפרשיו בים וישב עליהם את מי הים ובני ישראל הלכו ביבשה בתוך הים - "Because Pharoh's horse entered with his horsemen into the sea and Hashem turned back the sea over them and the children of Israel went onto dry land in the middle of the sea." End of shira!
We already made this point earlier on [see 15/4]?! It is seemingly repetitious, redundant and superfluous. Not only that - it is out of order because it belongs at the beginning of the shirah [where it already is] and not at the end. Also, what is the "כי" - because. Because of what? Who? Where? What "because"? And why the horse? How is he guilty? Just following orders?? The meforshim try in different ways to understand this pasuk [see the Ramban who takes this pasuk out of the shirah!]. Did you ever notice this point?
It would seem, however, that the explanation is simple. The shirah is a paean of praise to Hashem and a foretelling of the great salvation at the end of days. כימי צאתך מארץ מצרים אראנו נפלאות - Just as we left Egypt [with great wonders], so Hashem will show us wonders at the end of days.
The previous pasuk says ה' ימלך לעולם ועד - Hashem will rule [in the future] forever and ever. When does this happen? The next pasuk explains and expands - כי בא סוס פרעה וכו - "Because" the reshaim fall and are destroyed together with all of their instruments of evil [i.e. their horses] and בני ישראל are going ביבשה בתוך הים - on dry land through the sea and thus miraculously saved, Hashem will finally rule forever.
Every little bit we do to decrease the rule of evil and to enhance the rule of Hashem brings the geulah closer.
[See Sfas Emes Likkutim Parshas Beshalach]