Thursday, February 1, 2018

The Difference Between And The Torah

[Provocative title:-)] 

Rav Yeruchem Levovitz, the Mirrer Mashgiach, made an insightful comment [one of countless]. He noted that a MAJOR theme that we see in the Tanach AGAIN, AGAIN AND YET AGAIN is to distance ourselves from the ways of the Gentiles. We are different and should live, act and feel that way. We should dress differently, have different names, eat differently etc. etc. We are respectful towards them, smile and say things like "have a nice day", appreciate the fact that they too were created in the image of G-d, even give them tzedaka [Gittin 61a] etc. etc. But there must be a clear demarcation between us and them. 

Rav Noach Weinberg, the late Rosh Yeshiva of  Aish Hatorah, often lamented what he called a "spiritual holocaust" that is happening RIGHT BEFORE OUR EYES as so many Jews assimilate into the general culture. We are losing them BY THE MINUTE!!

Yet, a "kiruv website" CELEBRATES our assimilation!!  WOW!! Robert Kraft grew up in a frum home and now he is a mechalel Shabbos who didn't even put on a yarmulke when YU honored him to speak at their graduation [how do you give honor to someoe whose lifestyle is so contrary to what we are trying to teach our children? Is money EVERYTHING???]. How exciting. OK, he owns the Patriots. WHO CARES!!! He gives tzedaka? Great for him and for his benefactors. But that doesn't make him a role model. If he pours wine you can't drink it as is the din of a Goy. He is just another one of the countless OTD'ers. I am not judging him. I will leave that up to G-d. But I am judging those who know better and present him as a role model. [I posted a comment to this effect and it was deleted:-)]. 

"Philadelphia Eagles owner Robert Lurie is also Jewish. He describes himself as primarily culturally Jewish, though he does seem to cling to one Jewish tradition: every year, he makes the track to his father’s grave in the Temple Israel Cemetery near Boston, honoring his father’s memory and legacy. There, he pours out his heart, silently speaking to his father, reviewing all that’s going on with his life, and communing with his father’s memory. Robert Lurie’s father died when Robert was just nine years old; for decades, Robert has kept up the tradition of visiting his Jewish cemetery."  

Wow! He keeps none of the 613 commandments but is דורש אל המתים. How inspiring!! He eats treif and on Yom Kippur. He is completely disconnected from his heritage for which his ancestors died. Why are we supposed to be happy about this??

OK - he owns the Eagles. Again - WHO CARES??? He makes a lot of money off Goyim giving each other brain damage and countless other physical ailments in one of the most vicious brutal sports known to man. 

If someone would physically assault his friend on the street as is done on every down on the football field - HE WOULD BE ARRESTED FOR ASSAULT AND BATTERY. [Two peanuts were walking together late one night in Central Park. Unfortunately, one was a salted.]

I know that many fine Jews will be watching the Super Bowl. But PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE don't make these guys our heroes and role models.  

As I like to end my football posts - GO DOLPHINSSSS!!!!!

Image result for dolphins miami logo