Sunday, February 4, 2018

The Super Bowl

A dictionary definition of "important" - of great significance or value; likely to have a profound effect on success, survival, or well-being.

A dictionary definition of "game" - a form of play or sport, especially a competitive one played according to rules and decided by skill, strength, or luck.

So can "important" modify "game"?

But tachlis - who is going to win?

A remez from this past weeks parsha [which give bracha to all 6 days according to the Zohar]:

ואשא אתכם על כנפי נשרים   - I will carry you on the wings of Eagles

So take the Eagles!!

Then again "ואתם תהיו לי ממלכת כהנים וגוי קדוש" which means that we should act "Patriotically" to the Jewish people.

According to that - take the Patriots with the spread.
