NY governer Andrew Cuomo has has been hailed by the media as a hero in the fight against Coronavirus. All the power to him.
However, people forget that this is a man who is in favor of and signed a bill allowing abortion until the 24th week [even if the mother and fetus are completely healthy], despite the fact that he is a Catholic and is going against his religion. He also lived with his girlfriend for 8 years without marrying her - also an infraction. How can we trust people who openly don't follow what they profess to believe?? Calls for Cuomo to be excommunicated from the Catholic Church followed his signing the expanded abortion rights into law. Cuomo responded, "The Catholic Church does not believe in a woman's right to choose. Yes, I understand their religious view, I'm not here to legislate religion." In other words - G-d doesn't tell me what to do. I decide.
Back to his support of abortion: At the 24th week the fetus is almost a foot long and has an auditory system that is well developed enough to recognize and enjoy music. Wondering what (and who) your baby will look like at this point? If you had a baby camera at 24 weeks pregnant, you'd almost be able to tell by now. That beautiful face, though still tiny, is almost fully formed, complete with eyelashes, eyebrows and hair. But Cuomo says that if you feel like it - you can crush it to death.
On that note: All those people who say [as he does] "that a woman has a right to do whatever she wants with her body. her body - her choice" - How can NY State and many other places forbid people from leaving their homes? My body - my choice!!
The answer is that a] It is not your body. It belongs to the One who formed it and continuously gives it life. B] One has no right to harm others. So we can limit your movement in order that you don't cause harm to other innocent people. LIKE A FETUS.
This year 19,607 people have died of coronavirus רח"ל [as of this writing].
This year close to 10 MILLION innocent fetuses have had their lives snuffed out by willing adults.
We should value all living human beings - not just the one's we can see.