I would not necessarily rely on the answers, but the questions are fascinating.
Once again, we see the greatness of Am Yisrael who is so careful about keeping these often challenging Halachos even in such difficult times like those in which we find ourselves.
[I saw an article in the secular press which recorded a "machlokes" between a prominent Rav and two ladies about whether women should be going to mikva. It is the end of Torah as we know it when people who likely have no thorough knowledge of any area of Halacha other than Niddah, who can't intelligently discuss the differences between a Chazaka D'hashta and a Chaka D'mayikara, people who have a very limited background in Gemara, who never spent one day in a real Yeshiva, who in all likelihood can't read a Tosfos w/o the Artscroll English elucidation, are considered on the same level as a Rav and Rosh Yeshiva who has spent his entire adult life, learning and teaching Gemara and paskening Halacha. But that is where we are at for some. It is similar to pitting the medical opinion of head of a department in a hospital against that of a Hatzala guy.]